The 15th International Workshop on 1&2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement and Testing (2DM) will be held in Grenoble from 24 to 26 September 2018. 2DM, as it has always been since the first event at Braunschweig, Germany in 1991, bring academic and industrial specialists together to share and spread the latest advances in the field of magnetic measurement and testing.
The conference will provide all participants: lecturers and exhibitors, with opportunities to fruitfully exchange the latest developments in measurements techniques and instruments, experimental apparatus, on the fields of magnetic measurement, magnetic testing and relevant modelling.
Sponsors and Exhibitors are invited to contact the organizing committee by email: for any further information.
Price (+22% VAT)
Sponsorship « Standard »
ü colour printed company logo in the printed program distributed to all conference participants.
ü company logo displayed on the sponsors board during the whole conference
500 €
Sponsorship « Coffee break »
ü colour printed company logo in the printed program distributed to all conference participants
ü clickable company logo on the home page of the conference website
ü company logo displayed on the sponsors board during the whole conference
ü company logo displayed at a coffee buffet and sign-board “coffee break sponsored by…”
1,000 €
Price (+22% VAT)
Exhibition « Full »
ü 6m² booth (panel height 2m) with table, seats and power supply
ü 1-page colour printed in the printed program distributed to all conference participants
ü clickable company logo on the exhibitors’ section of the conference website
ü company logo displayed on the exhibitors’ board during the whole conference
ü registration fee for two company delegates (non-personal) for all conference days not including dinners or special events
1,500 €
Exhibition « Standard »
ü small stand with table, seats and power supply
ü 1-page colour printed in the printed program distributed to all conference participants
ü clickable company logo on the exhibitors section of the conference website
ü company logo displayed on the exhibitors’ board during the whole conference
ü registration fee for one company delegate (non-personal) for all conference days not including dinners or special events
1,000 €
The event, organized for the 15th edition by the G2ElabElectrical engineering laboratory in the new GreEn-ER building of the west-campus of Grenoble, brings together a community of more than 80 world experts in the field of measurement and testing of magnetic materials and devices.