Plenary and Keynotes

Plenary lecture

"Measurements and magnets are everywhere: advanced magnetic testing methods as requisites for physical understanding, progress in standards and materials, and improved applications"  

Dr. Fausto Fiorillo

Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica-INRIM, Torino, Italy 

Dr. Fausto Fiorillo is a physicist. He earned his degree from the University of Torino in 1972. He worked since 1973 as a scientist and since 1995 as Research Director at the Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris, now Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), in Torino. He officially retired on January 1, 2012 and is now serving as an associate scientist at INRIM. His scientific work and interests have been mainly devoted to the properties of magnetic materials and their measurement, with special focus on magnetization process and losses. He authored/co-authored some 210 peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals, review monographs, and chapters on international series on magnetic materials. He is the author of the comprehensive treatise “Measurement and Characterization of Magnetic Materials” (10 Chapters, 647 pages), published by Academic Press-Elsevier, December 2004

Keynote lecture

"Optimum magnetizing apparatus for standardized measurements"

Dr. Stan Zurek

Megger Instruments Ltd, Kent, United Kingdom

Stan Zurek graduated as MSc at Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland in 2000. He completed his PhD degree at Wolfson Centre for Magnetics, Cardiff University, UK in 2005, where he continued to work as a Research Associate. In 2008 he joined Megger Instruments Ltd where he currently holds the position of Manager of Magnetic Development in R&D department, being responsible for all aspects of electromagnetic technologies. He was elevated to IEEE Senior Member in 2010. He has authored and co-authored over 80 scientific papers and is a co-inventor on 11 patent applications. Recently he published a comprehensive book on measurements of rotational power loss: "Characterisation of Soft Magnetic Materials Under Rotational Magnetisation".

Keynote lecture

"Relevance of multiscale approach for the modeling of various magneto-mechanical problems"

Prof. Olivier Hubert

LMT, ENS Paris-Saclay, France 


O.Hubert is mechanical engineer from University of Technology of Compiègne France. He received his Master Degree in Applied acoustics and materials in 1994 and phD on relation between plastic deformation and magnetics in 1998. He has been successively associate professor in University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC Paris) and full professor in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris Saclay since 2009. The main theme of his research activities is the development of constitutive models for phase-change media, either thermo-mechano-chemically induced, like for shape memory alloys, or electro-magneto- mechanically induced as for ferro / ferri-magnetic and / or ferroelectric materials. On the one hand, it involves the establishment of experimental methods for the identification and validation of mechanisms (measurement of deformations, magnetic measurements, phase change monitoring by XRD) under thermal and / or multiaxial mechanical loading, and on the other hand the development of modeling tools essentially based on scaling methods (homogenization, finite elements).

Keynote lecture

"Inline integration of electromagnetic NDT methods using 3MA"

Dr Yasmine Gabi & Dr Bernd Wolter

Fraunhofer-Institute for Nondestructive Testing - IZFP, Saarbrücken, Germany  


Yasmine Gabi studied magnetic systems engineering at Joseph Fourier University, in France. In 2012, she received a doctoral degree in electrical engineering, automatic and signal processing at Grenoble INP. She has experience in magnetic characterization and modelling at multiscale behavior. Since May 2012 she joined Fraunhofer IZFP as expert in characterization and simulation for ferromagnetic material. Her main focus is the integration of electromagnetic NDT technique inline production. She was involved in different project: DPS-MODD, EU SYMPOSIUM, and MAGNUS (Fraunhofer-Carnot).

Bernd Wolter Studied material science at Saarland University, partly as guest researcher at Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio. Since 1995 he is working at the Fraunhofer ZFP. In 2001 he received his PhD regarding to the application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Non-Destructive Testing. In the same year he was awarded for his research work with the “Bertholdpreis“ of the German Society for Non-Destructive Testing (DGZfP). Dr. Wolter is certified quality manager of the European Organization for Quality (EOQ). Currently, he is the head of department “Production Integrated NDT” of the IZFP. His current research activities include the application and integration of NDT techniques in production in order to monitor, control and optimize production processes.

Keynote lecture

"Thermographic Measurement of Losses Due to Inter-laminar Contacts in Electrical Sheets"

Prof. Anouar Belhacen

Aalto University, Finland 


Anouar Belahcen received the M.Sc. (Tech.) and Doctor (Tech.) degrees from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, in 1998, and 2004, respectively. He is now Professor of Energy and Power at Aalto University, Finland and Professor of electrical machines at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. His research interests are numerical modelling of electrical machines, magnetic materials, coupled magneto-mechanical problems, magnetic forces, magnetostriction, and fault diagnostics of electrical machines.

Keynote lecture

"Broadband magnetic losses in soft magnets: experimental and theoretical analysis"

Dr. Samuel Dobak

Institute of Physics, P.J. Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia 


Samuel Dobak earned his PhD Degree in Condensed Matter Physics from the P.J. Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia in 2018, where he continues to work as a Researcher. His scientific activity is mainly focused on the investigation of soft magnetic materials, e.g., amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys, ferrites, and powder compacted materials, from the view of their magnetization process and energy dissipation behavior up to very high frequencies. During his PhD studies, he completed an internship at the Nanoscience and Materials Division, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Torino, Italy. In 2014 he was awarded by the Slovak Magnetics Society for the best Master thesis in applied magnetism. He recently received the Rector’s prize for the Science & Research.

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